Posts Tagged ‘web pages’

Advanced internet searching – how to get exactly the pages you want

March 23, 2010

Here are some short cuts to sensible internet searching. If you follow these instructions you will be able to cut down  time spent on sifting through masses of irrelevant web pages and get straight to the nitty gritty..

You need to type in exactly what I have in bold, although the boldness is only to show you, and is not needed when you do it.

Let’s start with the words dog breed.

“Dog breed” will get you only pages with the words dog breed, not web pages with dog and/or breed.

If the page has two words in it but not necessarily together, type them in and put AND (caps) between them eg dog AND breed (no inverted commas) will get you pages with dog, breed and dog breed.

Dog OR breed will get you pages with dog, breed or dog breed.

If you want all sorts of dog, but not Alsatian, type dog NOT alsatian.

For pages with two words separated by up to 25 words, type in dog NEAR breed.

If you have a more complicated search – eg, all dog breeds except alsatian or poodle, type in dog OR breed NOT (alsatian OR poodle).

Does that make sense?  It’s useful once you get the hang of it.  Remember – a computer can’t think. It only does what you tell it. The problem is, not knowing what you have told it!